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Sunday 5 December 2010

Wild chrysanthemum and honeysuckle soap

This time was a wild chrysanthemum and honeysuckle soap. In traditional Chinese herbal tea, we often use chrysanthemum and honeysuckle to release “heat” out of our body (Chinese medical term). Chrysanthemum and honeysuckle can detox and kill bacteria. Pimples / acnes can be caused from bacteria over skin. By the time I made the soap, it was almost summer time. I don’t like summer of Hong Kong, it is always humid and muggy. Feel like suffocated. Either very sunny or heavily rain. Because I have oily skin, face gets oily and dirty under this weather. Pimples / acnes happen easily, thus I made this soap. I used wild chrysanthemum and honeysuckle to soak in olive oil for a week (because I was hurried to make the soap, didn’t soak too long). The soap came out with very nice smell of the flowers. The funny part is that I think there might be tap water on the sieve and I didn’t notice it when I was sieving the oil out. I put some wild chrysanthemum on the top of the soap after whisking and kept it in heat preservation box overnight. By the time I took the soap out to air-dry, there was mold growing on the chrysanthemum flowers…… Oh my god…. Hahhaha Then I used a tooth stick to pick the flowers out and left many holes on the soap now.

Olive oil took the highest proportion in the formula of the soap. I added little lavender essential oil. The process of making the soap was better since I had few practices making another soap before. I felt very surprised that my oil on face was really so much lesser which I had never ever experienced before. No matter how I bought any facial cleanser in market, some were quite expensive one, there were none of them could be able to compare with.

Ingredients: Coconut oil, palm oil, olive oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil.
Essential oil: Lavender oil.

今次做的是野菊花和金銀花(又名忍冬)皂。在中國傳統的涼茶裏,通常會用到野菊花和金銀花去將身體的熱清除(中醫名詞),野菊花和金銀花能夠解毒和殺菌。暗瘡 / 粉刺可以是由於皮膚上的細菌產生。當我做這款皂的時候,已差不多是夏季,我不喜歡香港的夏天,時常總是潮濕和悶熱的,感覺像窒息似的,一是非常熱或非常大雨。因為我是油性皮膚,在這種天氣下臉總是很易出油及沾污,很易出暗瘡 / 粉刺,所以我便做這款皂。我將野菊花和金銀花浸在橄欖油裏一星期(因為我趕緊做這款皂,沒有浸太久),做出來的皂有陣陣的花香味。最可笑的地方是應該在我篩油的時候,沒有留意篩子沾了水龍頭水,在完成攪拌皂液後我放了一些野菊花在上面然後整夜放在保温箱裏,當我把皂取出來去風乾的時候,發覺有霉菌在野菊花上生長……我的天呀…… 哈哈哈 之後我用牙籤將那些野菊花挑出來以致皂上有很多洞穴。


成份: 棷子油, 棕櫚油, 橄欖油, 甜杏仁油, 可可巴油.
精油: 薰衣草油.

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