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Sunday 12 December 2010

Sweet almond and green bean powder soap

Sweet almond oil is very good for sensitive and delicate skin, so it is commonly used in soap for babies. It does not just give moisture to skin, also soften our skin. It can help relieving itchiness especially dry weather in winter. Even oily skin can use it directly as well, it wouldn’t block pores. I love this oil. I think it is really hard to find a word to describe how moist of each oil is. We have to feel it ourselves because there are many degrees of moisture.

Most Chinese people don’t feel odd about green bean sweet soup. Green bean can detox and release “heat” (Chinese medical term) out of our body. When we have too much deep fried or barbecue foods which make our body very “hot”, we may have a bowl of green bean sweet soup. I know green bean is also good for washing pimply face, so putting it in soap is the best choice.

My skin is sensitive and has pimples easily, so I made this soap. This is the best one for washing my face among those previous soaps I had made. Face feels very fresh and clean, not sticky afterwards. Green bean powder was added into the soap after “trace”. This is the first time to put additive into soap, so didn’t have skill of how to put it nicely. I just poured it on top which turned out this funny look. But it was fun! :)

Ingredients: Coconut oil, palm oil, pure olive oil, sweet almond oil.
Essential oils: Lavender oil, ylang ylang oil.



我的皮膚是比較敏感和容易長暗瘡,所以便做這款皂。這是我目前為止做那麼多皂中最好的一個用來洗臉,洗完後臉覺得很清爽和乾淨,完全不黏膩。我在皂“trace”後下綠荳粉,這是我第一次加入添加物在皂裏,所以沒有什麼技巧怎樣倒入,我只是純粹將它從上面倒入而出現這樣有趣的效果。頗有樂趣呀! :)

成份: 椰子油,棕櫚油,純橄欖油,甜杏仁油
精油: 薰衣草油伊蘭伊蘭油.


  1. Ok I hate green bean. All beans, red beans, black beans, kidney beans, baked beans, Mr bean. Ok I like Mr bean and have to admit I now love green soap. It has a great texture, mild fragrance, and leaves my skin feeling very clean and soft. Only thing I can suggest is once you pour together add a knife for a once around the bowl to just give it a minimal of mix to spread the texture around the bar. Other than that fantastic!

  2. hahahaha....

    Yes, you are right. I will mix the green bean powder evenly in the soap.

    Thank you for your comment.
