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Friday 6 January 2012

Using handmade shampoo on hair 用在頭髮上的手做洗髮精

On the average, there are over one hundred thousand strands of hairs on a young adult. Generally, our hair gets lesser and lesser with age. Apart from caused by health, that could be shampoo and conditioner that we use every day.

The hair shampoo and conditioner that we usually buy in market contain many ingredients which mostly the same from different brands, such as Anionic Surfactants, Cationic Surfactants, Amphoteric Surfactants, Nonionic Surfactants, Silicones, Preservatives, Antiseptic etc. They can provide cleaning, foaming, thickening and smoothening function. However, the problem is Cationic Surfactants and Silicones are difficult to wash away thoroughly as a result to leaving on our hair.

As we know, our hair is dead body cell which doesn’t not have any sebaceous gland to moisture it and is full of scales over the surface. When we touch our hair after washing, all the scales on hair would be open. Thus, it usually feels dry and rough so most hair conditioner would add silicones in it to fill up gaps to smoothen our hair. Silicones can be used in engineering to prevent walls from penetration. It acts like a sealed particle which can fill in all the gaps in between scales of hair. It makes us feel that our hair is smooth and may mistakenly think that it moisturises our hair. But silicones are not water-soluble and are difficult to wash away. If we keep using the shampoos and conditioners, it will cover our scalp, making hair cuticle becomes thicker and following hair treatment cannot go in. It turns out our hair quality getting bad.

While handmade shampoo simply uses vegetable oil and lye which provides completely natural cleaning and also would not give your hair a burden of leaving any material on it. Handmade shampoo has no silicones, cationic surfactants, preservatives and antiseptic. Hair scalp can breathe and have metabolism normally.

There is transition period of using handmade shampoo from commercial shampoo. For the first several times of using may make your hair feels sticky as it washes away all the artificial ingredients which have left on hair. But once done, you would feel your hair becomes thinner in thickness, healthier, and less falling of hair.

*Small Tip: You may use vinegar : water in 1 : 99 ratio to spray on towel dry hair and rub it which can smoothen and make your hair shiny as it helps closing hair cuticles.

一個青年成年人平均有超過十萬條頭髮, 普遍我們的頭髮會隨着年齡的增長而變得越來越少, 排除健康影響所導致的原因外, 可能是我們每天使用的洗髮劑和護髮素.

一般我們在市場上所買到洗髮劑和護髮素, 即使不同牌子但內含的成份大同小異, 例如陰離子界面活性劑, 陽離子界面活性劑, 兩性界面活性劑, 非離子界面活性劑, 矽靈, 防腐劑及抗菌劑等等. 它們能夠提供清潔, 起泡, 增稠及順滑的功能. 不過, 問題在於陽離子界面活性劑和矽靈是很難徹底地清洗乾淨, 所以會殘留在我們的頭髮上.

眾所周知我們的頭髮是沒有生命的細胞, 不會有皮脂腺去滋潤它, 表面有很多毛鱗片, 當我們洗完頭髮後去觸摸它的時候, 所有的毛鱗片是打開的, 會感覺乾燥和粗糙的, 所以大部份的護髮素會添加矽靈去填滿空隙使頭髮順滑. 矽靈可用在工程上防止牆壁滲漏. 矽靈在護髮素的作用充當封閉劑, 它能夠填滿頭髮毛鱗片之間的空隙. 由於我們感覺頭髮順滑所以會令我們錯誤地以為它能滋潤頭髮, 但矽靈本身不是水溶性和很難沖洗掉 ,如果我們長期使用含矽靈的洗髮精及護髮素,它會覆蓋我們的頭髮頭皮,令頭髮角質層變厚變粗,讓之後的護髮品無法進入頭髮中,使髮質反而變差。

反之手做的洗髮精純粹用植物油及鹼液製造, 完全提供天然的清潔及不會殘留任何物料造成頭髮負擔. 手做的洗髮精不包含矽靈, 陽離子界面活性劑, 防腐劑及抗菌劑. 頭皮可自由呼吸和能夠有正常的代謝.

在最初使用商業的洗髮精轉用手做的洗髮精的時候也許會感覺頭髮黏稠的, 因為正把頭髮上人工物料沖洗掉. 但當這個過程完成的時候, 你會感到髮絲的厚度薄了, 健康了及少了落髮.

*小貼士: 洗頭後把頭髮用毛巾抺乾, 可用1 : 99 (:)噴在頭髮上然後搓揉. 這可使頭髮順滑有光澤. 因為它可幫助頭髮毛鱗片閉合.

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