Why do we have reverse reaction?
We first need to understand developing
process of illness / disease.
Being healthy -> Interference ->
Acute inflammation -> Chronic inflammation -> Degenerative disease ->
For example:
There is a child who got a flu <this is
interference of health>. Then he / she may get fever <enter into acute
inflammation>. This is a normal physiological reaction. A healthy child
usually takes a rest for one to two days and drinks more water. Illness would
be gone <from acute inflammation back to good health status>.
But if you use oppressive treatment to
suppress fever (such as taking antipyretic is one of the oppressive
treatments). Fever would be quickly gone. However, body already entered into
another phase <chronic inflammation>, such as chronic tympanitis
/ otitis media, nasosinusitis, having rash, etc. At that moment, immune system
is already decreased so the child may get cold very easily again.
If we still use oppressive
treatment to suppress these illnesses <chronic inflammation>, our body
may pant / get asthma, learning ability decline or have other more serious illness
after being grown up <degenerative disease>. (That is why there are more and more people
nowadays having ankylosing spondylitis, lupus erythematosus, xeroderrma, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic nephritis and cancer)
What is degenerative disease? It is if we
use western medicine to cure it, it would get worse / degenerate. Furthermore,
there is no way back (unless being dead). How about if we use natural medicine
to cure it?
When you use correct natural medicine or
treatment, your illness or disease will go backward. That means go back to the
previous phase / level.
For example:
If you have been having nose allergy
problem or asthma then you get rash now, it is reflection of reverse reaction.
Body changes from chronic inflammation to acute inflammation. In other words,
body is removing internal body waste / toxins from skin. The body waste /
toxins could be allergen or real toxins from environment or diet.
Some people feel dizzy or want to sleep
more after using natural herbal medicine. This type of dizziness is not a real dizziness,
but a sign our brain to tell us to stop for a while. Our body feels like
wanting to lie down and sleep. Nevertheless, compare to real sleepiness, this
sleepiness is different in feeling. Only for those people who experienced it
would understand how it feels. This is the reason why Chinese medicine called
it “暝眩”( 暝 means dark / obscure / night; 眩means giddy / dizzy). I
have experience in it.
This kind of reverse reaction (dizziness)
usually happens on those always stay up late and use willpower to suppress
yourself to go to bed. It happens on most office workers nowadays. Therefore,
when they take appropriate natural medicine, no matter what types of symptoms
that need to deal with. It would arouse body's life force to go back to original
status that we want to sleep but being suppressed / restrained.
When this moment happens, you should get a
place to lie down or lie prone to take a rest until the reaction disappears.
Then your illness would be closer to getting better quickly. But I know it is
hard to do so for those who need to go to work and cannot just take a rest. It
is a bit pity. And it usually takes a bit longer for them to get recovered.
However, it needs to have a well-trained
and experienced natural medical doctor to tell whether a patient is having
reserve reaction or illness is getting worse. It could cause a problem if it
was misjudged (must be distinguished between slight subjective feeling and
objective symptoms).
there is one thing very important! When reverse reaction happens, never ever to take western medicine /
pills to suppress the symptoms again. Otherwise what we had done before would
be in vain. Many patients may see western doctors, take western medicine /
pills or apply cream prescribed from western doctors when they have fever or
rash. It is a big loss of all the efforts which had been done before. If it is
a patient who has cancer having fever while using natural medical treatment, it
is a congratulated thing as it means cancer would be gone very soon. But if you
take antipyretic at that moment, according to American statistics, many of them
would be gone within months. Thus, don't treat reverse reaction recklessly.
How does natural medicine / treatment to
make reverse reaction happen? (To be continued)
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