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Sunday 20 September 2015

Are you eating right? (2)

(Continue to previous article)

Last time talking about how to maintain our blood in slight alkaline so to keep us healthy, continue……

  1. Eat more basic or alkaline food: Fresh vegetables, fruits are alkaline foods. That is the reason why we need to have natural vegetarian diet.
We should have 75% of alkaline food (vegetables and fruits) in a meal. The remaining 25% could be grains of all kinds, protein, natural oil, etc.
Volume of our stomach has limit. We should just eat around 80% full.
Eat alkaline foods first:  Vegetables (or fruits) occupy 80% of our stomach. Then eat 20% of acid food filling up our stomach: Rice, bread or protein food. In such way of eating, our blood can be slight alkaline. It makes our body waste can be easily eliminated and to have good immunity system.

  1. Do more exercise (get fresh air) and drink more water. Helps to eliminate body waste and free radical.

Fat / oil takes the longest time to digest which is around 5 hours. Protein is around 4 hours. Vegetables contain protein and fiber which would extend digestion time to around 4 hours as well. Grains of all kinds and starch take around 3 hours. The shortest digestion time is fruits which take around 1-2 hours.

Vegetables and grains of all kinds or starch can be eaten at the same time. Fruits can also be eaten with grains of all kinds or starch at the same time because there is only 1 hour difference in digestion. It would not make them fermented inside our body. Fruits and vegetables CANNOT be eaten at the same time in the same meal. The theory is if fruits and vegetables are eaten at the same meal, stomach would digest fruits first because it is easy to digest. Then it still needs to wait 2 more hours for digesting vegetables completely. Fructose stays in stomach under 37°C would be like in a stewpot and ferment which creates alcohol and twenty odd of ‘rubbish’ into our blood. That makes blood not clean enough and being acidic to make us sick.

So that is why people who don’t drink would still get liver problem (get hardened / sclerosis) because of having fermented foods internally. People who don’t have periodontal disease but still has bad breath (halitosis) because of having improper / unfit foods (such as vegetables and fruits eat together) which would make foods fermented internally and have bad breath. People who eat meat also have worse bad breath.


·    Fruits which can be eaten with vegetables together: avocado and black olive.
Because they contain more oil, digestion time is same as vegetables. Thus they can be eaten in a meal together at the same time.

·    Vegetables which can be eaten with fruits together: large or small cucumber, lettuce, bean sprouts, watercress (grow in water). Because they contain more water in it, density is low and easy to digest. Thus they can be eaten with fruits in a meal together at the same time.

Every one of us has different body health level, so the digestion capability of stomach is different from person to person. Some people get bloated when they eat cabbage. Some people do not feel well with their stomach when they eat bean. Therefore, we need to choose based on our own experience. Vegetables contain protein and fiber which would extend the digestion time to around 4 hours. Fiber is part of starch. Human body do not have enzyme to digest fiber, so fiber can clear our intestine and help constipation. But if we eat too many types of vegetables in one meal, stomach and intestine would be very tired. This can cause indigestion easily. Undigested vegetables wriggle to large intestine and in large intestine has probiotics would eat it. This could make us bloated, fermented or intestine delayed peristalsis. So we shouldn’t eat too much variety of vegetables in one meal. It is good to have 3-5 types only. Besides, we need to chew slowly and also eat grains of all kinds, protein and natural oil / fat, etc. in a meal. It is better that not to eat more than 7 types of foods in a meal at most. Otherwise, our stomach and intestine would be so tired and nutrients are hard to absorb as well.

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