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Sunday 30 November 2014






濕是由水轉化而來。體內有濕毒的人,一般表現為舌苔白膩、口水多、小便少、大便稀、易噁心,夏天濕氣大,雨水多時尤其嚴重,多為脾虛濕重。中醫認為,「脾主化濕」,若是脾臟不足,便會出現「脾虛生濕」的現象。所以要祛濕,先要健脾。每天上午7~9點人體生物鐘走到脾胃經,可在早飯後用山楂、陳皮、薏仁泡水喝,有助於消食化濕,還可多按摩足三里穴與豐隆穴。建議多吃健脾化濕的 ​​食物,如薏米、豆類、白朮、黨參等燉肉或熬粥,還可多吃一些絲瓜、冬瓜利濕。





5. 瘀毒

瘀毒是指藏在血液裡的毒,平時食物吃得太雜、太亂,攝入太多食品 ​​添加物,就會在身體裡積累血毒,尤其是肝臟解毒功能差的人,多數是從中年開始就出現。表現症狀為舌下脈絡發紫、容易健忘、皮膚乾燥、胸悶憋氣、臉色暗等,長時間就容易誘發癌症。建議增加運動量,用餐少吃油脂,多吃粗糧、蔬菜、山楂、紅心蘿蔔、紅心桃子、西瓜、葡萄、綠豆等食物,或用丹參或山楂泡水喝,能活血化瘀,清除血管垃圾,平時還可以多按摩少府穴。 

6 .氣毒



Tuesday 25 November 2014

Yang Chi (陽氣) and Yin Chi (陰氣)

Yang Chi is alternate with Yin Chi running inside our body in 24 hours in a day.
Yin Chi reaches its highest moment at 23:00 to 1:00. In other words, Yang Chi is weakest at that moment. Yin Chi represents night and rest. Thus, we should get back to sleep and recover our Yang Chi at the mean time. 

Yang Chi reaches its highest moment at 11:00 to 13:00. In the same way, it means Yin Chi is weakest at that moment. Yang Chi represents day and power. So we can work and to recover our Yin Chi at the same time.

We could see that our body is connected with nature actually. We start working at sunrise and rest at sunset. In Chinese medical theory, we should get to sleep by 11 o’clock at night. This is the best for liver to recover. Why? I will talk about it next time. But most people do not follow this natural rule nowadays. Stay up late at night and then get up late in the next morning. Health may not have any problem at the beginning as body still has reserve to maintain it. But problem definitely would be arisen with time if this bad habit hasn’t changed because Yin Yang is out of balanced in body. It becomes vicious circle. The only way to improve health is to adjust to get up early no matter what so could make our sleeping time early as well.
Sleeping at night time is the way for us to recover Yang Chi. Yang Chi is very important for our body health. When we are sick and ill, Yang Chi helps us to fight with illness. Having fever is one of the representations that Yang Chi in our body is still in good shape to defeat illness.  If our body is lack of Yang Chi, we would have no power to fight with illness anymore. 
If it is possible, it is best to have a nap in between 11:00am to 1:00pm when Yin Chi is switched to Yang Chi. It is good for us to refresh in the whole afternoon also body health. Nap should take around 30 minutes. Must no more than one hour. Otherwise it will affect sleeping time at night. Having said that, I know that it is not easy and possible to take a nap for most people. Actually just let ourselves resting in mind could also help.

Saturday 15 November 2014

We Love We Share We Give - Upcycled bottle ornament

It is a upcycled bottle ornament. Can be used for Home / Office / Room. Item is hand etched and made with heart.

Check it out at

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Handicraft Wood carving netsuke Boxwood Snake

Combination of art and handicraft:

Netsuke (pronounced “net-ski” or “net-skeh”) are tiny sculptures that originated in Japan as an accessory to traditional Japanese clothing. They have since evolved over a time period of three hundred years into works of art that are both collected and revered by art aficionados across the globe. .......

More details at

Natural White Quartz Crystal Cluster Rock Crystal Bracelet

White is the color of purity. It a good choice for new beginnings, and development in any direction.

For more details, please visit:

Natural Green Chlorite Phantom Quartz Crystal Bracelet

Chakra Meditation Energy Stone - Green Chlorite Phantom Crystals specifically work on self-healing and regeneration, and facilitate detoxification. 

For more details, please visit:

Natural Falcon's Eye Quartz Crystal Round Bracelet

It is a very suitable stone for those who are weak or ill as it increases the level of life energy. It lowers high blood pressure and helps with heart problems and eye problems.

Please visit -

Monday 10 November 2014

Natural Black Obsidian Quartz Round 8mm Bracelet

Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed as an extrusive igneous rock. It is used as exorcising evil spirits and amulet since old days. It is believed to help us eliminating stress, fatigue and negative feeling so that we can accept new thinking and adapt changes.

To purchase -

Natural Icy Pink Rose Quartz Crystal Heart shape 20mm Bracelet

Pink rose quartz is believed to improve relations with people and love. It can calm our body. It is a lovely gift for woman.  

Check it out:

Natural Citrine Citrite Quartz Rectangle Shape Bracelet

A joyful stone with bright energy which lights up many aspects of lives of those who work with it. Please visit:

Saturday 8 November 2014

100% Natural Cedar / Cypress Wooden Foot Massage Pedals

It can massage our acupoints on soles, train balance skill, relieve soles fatigue..... and many more ways to play with.

Check it out -

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Natural Extra Dark Purple Amethyst Quartz Crystal Gemstone Bracelet - Good for Chakra Meditation

Dark purple quartz can help us to sleep better. Stay calm, steady emotion to enforce thinking and focus. Also increase our memories, encouragement and power. It is especially good for meditation and planting.

Monday 3 November 2014