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Wednesday 29 October 2014

What is Aloeswood / Argawood?

Aloeswood is an aromatic, resinous heartwood that is found in trees from the aquilaria genus, an evergreen native to South East Asia. It is thought that aloeswood is created by a reaction from an injury to the tree, starting an infection and thus triggering the oleoresin to grow within the heartwood of the tree. It is this resin-impregnated heartwood, which is the actual aloeswood product and is extracted for use as raw wood chips and powder or processed into an oil.

Aloeswood has been highly valued in many societies and cultures for millennia and used for a variety of reasons from sacred, to medicinal, to olfactory. The wood chips and powder are used for incense and medicine while the oil extract is generally for perfume and aromatherapy purposes.

From a medicinal standpoint, it has been used in traditional Chinese (TCM), Tibetan, Ayurveda, and Unani (Graeco-Arabic) medicines, in many different applications from rubs to tinctures to teas. From a religious and sacred perspective, aloeswood is mentioned several times in both the Bible and Islamic Hadith (spoken traditions of the Prophet Muhammad), and is also used in a variety of religious ceremonies ranging from Islamic prayer and burial observances, to Buddhist rituals from Vietnam, Japan, China, and Taiwan. In Arab society, aloeswood is highly prized and burned for guests as a sign of respect and in Japan aloeswood is used in the ancient koh doh or “listening to incense” ceremony (Burfield, et. al., Aloeswood has also been used as an ingredient in many western perfumes for hundreds of years.

These varied uses across time and geographical local have secured its importance in trade and economy on an international level (Paoli et al., 1723), specifically throughout Asia and the Middle East, the two regions where it is used most. It is known in these different cultures by many names, including aloeswood, agarwood, agar, oud, gaharu, eagleswood and calembac.

Also reference from wikipedia:

Genuine A Quality Rose Quartz Crystal Lotus Blossom shape Gemstone 10mm (0.394 inches) 17pcs Bracelet

Genuine A Quality Rose Quartz Crystal Lotus Blossom shape Gemstone 10mm (0.394 inches) 17pcs Bracelet

Check the details at:

Tuesday 28 October 2014

The two key elements in our body of Chinese theory

Mentioning about Yin and Yang (陰陽 {Cantonese pronunciation: jam1 joeng4}), must talk about Chi and Blood (氣血 {Cantonese pronunciation: hei3 hyut3}). They are the key elements in our body of Chinese theory. “Chi” () is Yang while “Blood” () is Yin. “Chi” acts like a sun in our body. It gives us warmth. “Blood” acts like water in our body. It moistens our body.

To elaborate the meaning from the word:

is combination of+ . is air current or airstream within the Mother Earth;
is rice from the word basically. It represents foods, moving reaction of stomach and guts / digestion.

So “Chi” () means air, gas, steam, vapour or spirit that created in body after digesting foods.

is combination of 丿+ .丿 is a drop of liquid;is a shallow container;

is drop of warm and red animal blood in container for worship. It extends in meaning for blood nowadays.

By the way we say the word in sequence, we always say Chi then Blood (氣血) but not reversed Blood then Chi (血氣). So basically “Chi” () is a bit more important than “Blood” () because “Blood” () needs “Chi” () to move it. It is no use having blood alone in our body as it would not move itself. 

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Intelligence quotient Vs Wisdom

Number can measure our intelligence quotient (IQ) [Chinese: 智商), but number cannot measure our wisdom [Chinese: 智慧].

Monday 13 October 2014

Hand carved statue of Maitreya Buddha made from natural Agarwood / Aloeswood / Eagle wood

Who is Maitreya Buddha?
It is is regarded by Buddhists as a future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology. Maitreya is a bodhisattva who in the Buddhist tradition is to appear on Earth, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma. Maitreya will be a successor of the historic Śākyamuni Buddha. 

Check it out here:

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Vintage Wooden Treasure Chest / Box with four (4) bars of handmade soaps

Vintage Wooden Treasure Chest / Box with flower pattern and latch. It is nice for keeping small items such as jewellery, watch etc. 
Wonderful gift for woman or girls. Wedding gift or Birthday gift.

Details please check out here:

Wellbe Wood 100% Natural Cedar / Cypress Wooden Lumbar Stretcher for health care - stiff lower back (5-10 minutes per day)

Our lumbar vertebra will wear out with time especially if we have faulty posture. It begins with the curve in lumbar vertebra straightened out (there should be a curve in lumbar vertebra normally). To improve this, we need to change the condition first.

Similar to Wellbe Wood 100% Natural Cedar / Cypress Wooden Orthopaedic PillowThis product helps to stretch our stiff lower back. Relieve tight muscles and increase blood circulation..

Both of our neck and lumbar spine are very important to human body. It keeps us to be able to stand straight.

For more details, please check out:

Monday 6 October 2014

A relative world – Yin and Yang

Most people have heard of Yin and Yang (陰陽) from Chinese Daoist philosophy. In the natural world, Yin and Yang are interconnected and interdependent. Things are classified into Yin and Yang. Either Yin or Yang cannot grow. Our body also consists of Yin and Yang. Both of them should be balanced situation. If they are out of balanced in our body, we will get sick.

Here are some examples of what things are belonged to in Yin and Yang:
Yin ()
Yang ()

Sunday 5 October 2014

Transformers Bumblebee Upcycled Glass Bottle - Home Deco / Vase / Bedside Lamp / Table Lamp / Desk Lamp / Mild Lighting Lamp

Etching on upcycled glass bottle. With three different LED colour for options.

It can be a lovely gift for a kid. Please go to Etsy shop for more details of the item.

Saturday 4 October 2014

Wellbe Wood 100% Natural Cedar / Cypress Wooden Orthopaedic Pillow (Size: Small / Large) (5-10 mins per day)

The Asian ancients has used cedar / cypress wooden pillow for thousands of years already. It can help to relieve pain of stiff neck and shoulder as well as restoring natural curve of neck. Just spend 5-10 minutes for your neck everyday. It is a good investment for your health for a life time! 

Item is made of 100% Natural Cedar / Cypress. No chemicals or other additives. Don't worry to get mouldy. Cedar / cypress is antiseptic, able to preserve heat, resistance to dust, mould, odour, antistatic, durable to use and easy for maintenance.

* Note: Traditional pillow is made of hard material. It is not like modern pillow which is soft. Cervical spine specialist, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and health professionals also recommend patients to use our hard pillow.

For more details about the product, you may find it on my Etsy store:

How serious can cervical spine problem be?

Are you having neck problem or suffered from cervical spondylosis?
Still no treatment to deal with it?  It begins with the curve in cervical spine straightened out. To improve this, we need to change the condition first.

The adult human brain weighs about 3 pounds or 1,300-1,400g. That is 2% of the total body weight. It is all our neck supporting it. The cervical spine (neck) is comprised of seven vertebrae. The nerves of vertebra are connected to the eyes, nose, ears. brain, fingers and lungs respectively. When it is misaligned, it causes pressure / tension to the nerves and having issues with the part it is connected with. Furthermore, our cervical spine will wear out with time especially if we have faulty posture, such as always head down using intelligent electronic products. Using high pillow can also cause cervical spine problem.

Problem arises from cervical spine does NOT only cause neck problem. It can also affect your lower part or even the entire body as our body is a whole not a separate unit.

Cervical Spondylosis can cause these symptoms:

Ear and eyesight problem:
Dizziness, headache, tinnitus, obstructed hearing, dissequilibrium, visually impaired. swelling eyes, sensitive to light, tearing eyes etc. It is also one of the causes of rhinitis. 

Cervical cardiac syndrome:
Painful chest, chest congestion, arrhythmia which can be easily diagnosed as coronary artery heart disease. Stiff back, sore and swelling shoulder.

Cervical blood pressure:
Can cause high or low blood pressure, utsually causing high blood pressure. It is called as “Cervical Hypertension”. Both cervical spondylosis and high blood pressure may happen at the same time on middle-aged people and elderly. 

Lower limb numbness and pain, intermittent claudication. Some patients may feel like stepping on cotton when walking. Difficulty defecation and urination (dysuria) such as frequent or urgent urination, urinary and fecal incontinence. Numbness of limbs (quadriplegia), etc serious symptom.

Falling down:
Falling down suddenly with head turning and body is out of balance when standing or walking. Patient is conscious and has no sequela. It usually also accompanies by dizziness, headache, nausea, vomitting and sweating, etc. nervous disorder. It is due to deformation on cervical vertebrae which can constrict blood vessels and lead to lack of blood in brain.

Bloating and constipation. Difficulty swallowing:
Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia), obstruction of oesophagus, hoarse voice, hacking cough, tight throat, chest congestion, etc. It is due to the surrounding tissue of oesophagus is stimulated or back of oesophagus is pressured causing stricture of the oesophagus.

According to a incomplete statistics, most of the patients who get stroke also has cervical spondylosis. Most people or doctor may not be aware of that.

Want to improve it? I recommend taking little time everyday to use orthopaedic wooden pillow.