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Tuesday 20 December 2011

Thank you and Merry Christmas

Thank you for all the people who visited our booth, and especially your purchase at JCCAC Artist Village! 

If you have any problem or questions about the products, feel free to contact us through email or phone.

Again, thanks for your support. Wish you having a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year of 2012! :)

Tuesday 29 November 2011

JCCAC Artist Village - Handicraft Fair

Nature’s Join will be joining “Handicraft Fair” organised by JCCAC (Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre) at Shek Kip Mei。 Below is the detailed information of the event. Anyone who is interested is welcome to visit our booth.

JCCAC Artist Village - Handicraft Fair

On 17 & 18 December, 2011 (1pm - 7pm) - Saturday & Sunday

At 30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Hong Kong.

For how to go there, please visit here:

Nature’s Join 將參加在石硤尾賽馬會創意藝術中心的“手作市集”. 以下是活動的詳情. 歡迎任何有興趣的人仕前來參觀我們的攤位.

JCCAC Artist Village - Handicraft Fair

在十二月十七及十八日 (下午一時至下午七時) - 星期六及日

地點: 九龍石硤尾白田街30號


Tuesday 11 October 2011

Discovery Bay Fair

Nature’s Join will be joining “Handmade Hong Kong’s DB Backyard Holiday Bazaar” at Discovery Bay. Below is the detailed information of the event. Anyone who is interested is welcome to visit our booth.

DB Backyard Holiday Bazaar Participating Vendors

Handmade Hong Kong’s DB Backyard Holiday Bazaar
On November 20, 2011 (10am - 5pm) - Sunday
At Discovery Bay Plaza

For how to go there, please visit here:

Nature’s Join 將參加在愉景灣“Handmade Hong Kong’s DB Backyard Holiday Bazaar”. 以下是活動的詳情. 歡迎任何有興趣的人仕前來參觀我們的攤位.

Handmade Hong Kong’s DB Backyard Holiday Bazaar
在十一月二十日 (上午十時至下午五時) - 星期日
地點: 愉景灣廣場


Monday 2 May 2011

An article about health 一篇有關健康的文章

I read an article a while ago and found it was very meaningful, I would like to share with you……

Western medicineChinese medicineQigong

Humans live in the earth and eat grains of all kinds, how could we not get sick? When we are sick, we suffer so humans strive to avoid it. A saying What you get, dont get sick; what you not get, dont get hard-up. That is why there are lots of pharmacies in streets and hospitals are crowded.

So how can we get healed and avoid being sick? Generally, there are three gateways, Western medicine, Chinese medicine and Qigong (to practice austerities to become a Taoist immortal).

Western medicine is the most popular and main treatment in this modern world. Modern Western medicine uses anthropotomy as basic to develop a set of clinical theory and healing technique. The main therapy includes injection, prescription, operation, x-ray therapy, chemotherapy etc.. The key point is to cure your head when you have headache, cure your leg when you leg hurts. It is directed against the illness, being handled in part and relatively like machinery. Such as if we have fever, we take antipyretic or get injected; if we have inflammation, we take antibiotics; where we get cancer, we get surgery to cut and remove it.

Chinese medicine encountered prosperity then decline, and now rises again. Distinct from partial analysis and treatment of Western medicine, Chinese medicine treats human body as a whole system. Meridian principles, paths and theory of yinyang, they all emphasize entire and organic concept. Thus, it cures illness based on symptoms. Humans need to coordinate with the universe and nature. Mood and temperament can also affect health. In the classics, it said Anger hurts liver, depression hurts spleen, fear hurts kidney. etc. To cure illness and prevent getting ill, not just medicine only, also includes adjusting and improving our own mood and temper as well as daily lifestyle. From this point of view, it seems that Chinese medicine is superior to Western medicine.

I have a good friend who teaches in university. There was a while her period stopped and suffered from it. She saw many Western doctors who they thought it should be gynecological problem. But it still didnt work after taking lots of medicines. Then, someone introduced her a famous old Chinese doctor who believed her intestines and stomach lack of blood causing the problem. It worked immediately after taking one dose. It looked like illness from gynecology but actually on intestines and stomach. This is how deep and brilliant of Chinese medicine.

Qigong is a new term. Its essence is to practice austerities. If there is no progress from the previous two methods, people start looking for Qigong and practicing austerities. For simple Qigong, people probably think that only practise movement and take a breath. But real practicing austerities believes that illness comes from people who did bad things in old days and have karma. Thus, if you want illness to be healed, you need to practice austerities in order to repay and remove karma. Our heart needs to be kind, be true, be generous and patient to remove illness from the root. This is the thorough treatment, of course. However, there are some people do not understand and accept it.

There was an example on internet years ago about how an American medical doctor sees patients. He used to learn Chinese medicine in China, and then went to America to learn Western medicine and after that learnt Falun Gong. The doctor left work from hospital afterwards and opened a clinic. The price list being marked was: For Western medicine USD200 per time; For Chinese medicine USD100 per time; For learning Qigong USD0.  

People felt strange and asked him why there were three different prices to have the same doctor seeing patients. He replied If you take Western medicine, I need to be fully responsible for your health so I charge you full price; If you take Chinese medicine, besides prescribing to you, I also give you suggestion of improving lifestyle. I am responsible for half of your health as well as you are responsible for half of it so I charge you half price; If you would like to learn Qigong, you will be responsible for all your health so I dont charge you anything and teach you for free.

You see, this American doctor just exactly remarks the true significance and mystique of healing illness. Three methods, three mechanisms, three levels, advanced in order.

Dear friend, do you want to get true health? Then you really have to ponder what the doctor said.

Copied from














Sunday 17 April 2011

Honey and Chrysanthemum Soap 蜂蜜菊花肥皂 (Sold | 售完)

This soap mixes honey with chrysanthemum. Honey is not only good for our health by eating it, also good to use on skin. It has very good ability to keep our skin moisture. It is very mild. In traditional Chinese herbal tea, we often use chrysanthemum to release “heat” out of our body (Chinese medical term). Chrysanthemum can detox and kill bacteria. It is completely natural.

The colour of the soap is formed by honey and chrysanthemum powder naturally. No artificial colour is added.

The soap has gentle smell of oil. It is also suitable for baby to use. If you love yourself and would like to give the best to your skin, get one today!

Suitable for:
- Body - all skin type;
- Face - dry skin, normal skin;
- Hands;
- Feet.

Weight: approximately 75g±10 (per piece).

Ingredients: Olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, honey, chrysanthemum powder.

* Note: No synthetic colouring and floavouring; No essential oil.
* If you need more quantities, please let me know.

Price (to Hong Kong):
Item cost - HK$39
Shipping fee - HK$4 (by Hong Kong Post)

Payment details:
You may pay via Paypal, email address




-          沐浴 - 所有肌膚;
-          臉部 - 乾性肌膚, 中性肌膚;
-          手部;
-          腳部.

重量: 大約75克±10 (每塊).

成份: 橄欖油, 椰子油, 棕櫚油, 蜂蜜, 菊花粉.

* 備註: 沒有人造色素和香精; 沒有精油.
* 如要更多數量, 請與我們聯絡.

售價 (往香港):
產品價錢 - HK$39
郵費 – HK$4 (用香港郵政)

您可以用Paypal, 電郵地址

Saturday 19 March 2011

Lemongrass and hazelnut oil soap 香茅榛果油肥皂

Just found there were dried lemongrass / citronella at home, it is time for me to use it to make soap. Lemongrass water can help repelling mosquito. When we have mosquito bites, we may use lemongrass water to wash our body to relieve itchiness and redness. This time I want to make one which can reinforce keeping water, so I use hazelnut oil. To combine it with sweet almond oil and olive oil give plenty of moisture to skin and wash gently.

When I mixed sodium hydroxide with lemongrass water, there was strong bad smell coming out. When the saponified process of mixture was almost done, the smell reduced. The soap has pretty creamy bubbles that feel like having rich essence in it. Feel silky and nourished after using it on face.

Ingredients: Coconut oil, palm oil, pure olive oil, sweet almond oil, hazelnut oil, jojoba oil, lemongrass water.
Super fatting: Wheat germ oil.
Essential oils: Geranium oil, tea tree oil.



成份: 椰子油,棕櫚油,純橄欖油,甜杏仁油,榛果油,荷荷芭油,香茅水.
超脂: 小麥胚芽油.
精油: 天竺葵油,茶樹油.

Monday 21 February 2011

Sweet almond oil lotion for face / body 甜杏仁油乳液(身體及臉部適用)

This lotion was made by natural material without any chemical composition, so the storage period is short. It is better to finish it within 7-14 days, but it can be kept for a month in refrigerator. Sweet almond oil is very good for dry and sensitive skin. It can soothe redness and itchiness. I applied it on my cleaned face every morning and night. It is very comfortable and light, not oily or any heavy feeling. The redness on my face is improved. The simplest ingredient is already the best.

Ingredients: Sweet almond oil, rosemary water, vegetant emulsifying agent.


成份: 甜杏仁油,迷迭香水,植物性乳化劑.

Thursday 27 January 2011

How to recognize natural handmade soap? 怎樣辨別純天然手工香皂

Oil + sodium hydroxide + water = soap + glycerin (a soap with glycerin simply). However, there are many different types of soaps selling in market. Some would say they are “handmade”. How to define?
I think almost everyone who uses natural handmade soap at the first time could feel completely different texture and feeling comparing to commercial soaps / cleansers / detergents in market, including me. I have used natural handmade soap for some time already. I am so delighted to see how big improvement of my skin. Skin problem is not always a bothering issue to me now. I hope for those who still suffer from skin problem can read below article and understand why natural handmade soap is so uniquely different.

Natural handmade soap:
The more natural a soap is, the more difficult to make. All made by hand throughout all the processes. Each time can make very limited pieces, thus output is not much and the cost of it is relatively higher than general soaps in market. Natural handmade soap does not have much fragrance, its colour would change with time and is a bit soft. The surface of soap is usually moist and damp when using. There would have flaw over surfaces. The flawed area of soaps is different from one another. Even the weight of soaps has little bit discrepancies. It is not easy to make it in transparent colour. Even if it is transparent, large amount of alcohol solvent is needed to add into soap. Generally, natural handmade soap is in creamy white or creamy yellow colour.
Because it is manufactured by cold processed (room temperature), the nutrient of vegetable oil is not damaged and kept in soap. When we use this type of natural handmade soap for washing, our skin is nourished and kept healthy.

Handmade soap made by soap base:
This type of soap is more like art form. Modeling is so beautiful and colourful, even with transparent texture (needs to add alcohol solvent and transparent agent in the process in order to make it transparent). Flowers can be put into soap, and the colour of flowers can still be able to maintain. Finishing usually would add colourant / pigment, flavouring essence / perfume or essential oil. Soap is made by heating and melting soap base.
Alkali is not touched during the soap making process, so children may participate in it in company with adults.
I don’t recommend using this type of soap myself as the soap is not 100% natural. As for a handcraft or an art for decoration, it is acceptable.

Soap manufactured by factory:
The shape of soap is very neat and soap body is hard, even hard to dissolve in water. Label of ingredients may mark not include soap base or soap is in weak acid.
A manufactured soap generally, for profit, uses cheap and low cost of animal oil / fat or high cost of vegetable oil (such as coconut oil), then mass produced by machine. Preservatives are added during the process and then adding salt to separate out soap (from which the most precious glycerin is extracted for resale). Next, adding flavouring power / essence, paraffin and other additives to make it dry out as soon as possible; more modern method nowadays uses solidified agent to make synthetic surface-active agent becomes block form. This type of soap is powerful to wash grease / oil off, thus it makes skin so dry and chapped. Moreover, chemical composition contains in it may block skin pores, lead to skin allergy and pathological changes. This is the type of soap which dermatologist suggests patient not to use. It does not merely affect our skin. There is a new research saying that chemical composition can be absorbed through skin and go into our body organs and damage them.

油脂 + 氫氧化鈉 + = + 甘油 (簡單來說就是有甘油的皂)。不過,市面上有很多不同種類的香皂出售,有一些宣稱是"手工製",究竟怎樣定義呢?
我想差不多每一個在第一次使用純天然手工香皂的人都能夠感受到它的手感和洗感是完完全全與市售商業的香皂 / 清潔劑 / 去垢劑不同,包括我在內。我已經使用純天然手工香皂一段時間了,我很高興看見自己皮膚大大的好轉及改善,皮膚問題不再是我時常擾人的煩惱。我希望那些仍然受皮膚問題困擾的人能閱讀下面的文章並理解為何純天然手工香皂是那麼與別不同!



一般香皂的製造,為了利潤,使用成本低廉的動物性油脂,或成本稍高的植物性油脂 (如椰子油),以機器大量生產,過程中添加防腐劑然後加鹽把肥皂析出 (其中最寶貴的甘油成分抽出另行轉售),再加香粉、石蠟和其它添加物,快速進行乾燥;現在較新的作法是使用凝固劑將合成的界面活性劑結成塊狀。這類的香皂脫脂力太強,往往造成皮膚乾裂,且含有的化學成分會對皮膚產生毛細孔阻塞、過敏或病變。皮膚科醫師說不要使用肥皂是指這一類的肥皂。這不僅只針對皮膚, 有最新的硏究指這些化學成分會經由皮膚吸收進入人體影響身體器官的病變。

Cocoa butter and coffee soap

Many people like drinking coffee. Coffee is very good to eliminate bad smell. Grinded coffee putting in soap can help rubbing off skin cuticle. I only put very little amount of coffee powder in it this time, so the coffee smell is not quite strong. I shall put more next time if I do it again. This time I used cocoa butter, the smell of cocoa and coffee matches with each other.

I was thinking to make the soap like layers. But when I poured in at the second time with the coffee-coloured soap into mold, its weight “pressed” the first layer with light yellow soap in mold down already which turned out this very interesting look – the side has thickness but the middle is in thin layer.

One thing I need to improve is the coffee beans were not grinded small enough. The foaming of the soap is great with delicate and light bubbles. Moreover, it contains cocoa butter which is very suitable to use in winter.

Ingredients: Coconut oil, palm oil, pure olive oil, canola oil, cocoa butter.
Additives: Grinded coffee and little bit of oat powder.


我本來想做分層皂,但當我把有咖啡顏色的皂液在第二次倒入模具的時候,它的重量已把在模具內第一層帶微黃色的皂液向下壓,造成這十分有趣的樣子 側面有厚度而中間是呈薄薄的一層


成份:       椰子油,棕櫚油,純橄欖油,芥花籽油,可可脂.
添加物:   磨碎咖啡及少量的燕麥粉.